Graphika Report
Thursday September 28, 2023
Rumores Renovables
Cristina López G. and Santiago Lakatos
DownloadAnalyzing the Online Ecosystem of Spanish-Speaking Communities Opposed to Renewable Energy Initiatives
In our 2022 report on Spanish-language climate misinformation, Graphika explored how online Spanish-speaking communities engage with false and misleading information about climate change. Building on that research, we have now examined the specific dynamics of the online Spanish-language conversation that opposes renewable energy sources.
Working on behalf of a coalition of environmental organizations, including GreenLatinos, Friends of the Earth, and Climate Action Against Disinformation, we aimed to understand how anti-renewable narratives spread through the online ecosystem of Spanish-speaking Internet users, the groups and individuals who seed and disseminate them, and the tactics these actors employ. Our analysis found that the Spanish-language anti-renewables conversation is characterized by a range of narratives, and driven by actors from Spain, Latin America, and other ideologically aligned communities. We also uncovered insights into the dynamics and tactics used to spread this discourse across platforms.