Deconstructing Guo Wengui's Online 'Whistleblower Movement'
- Chinese businessman Guo Wengui is at the center of a vast network of interrelated media entities which have disseminated online disinformation and promoted real-world harassment campaigns.
- Graphika has identified thousands of mostly-authentic social media accounts associated with this network which are active across platforms including Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Gab, Telegram, Parler, and Discord.
- In the last year, this network has promoted harassment campaigns against anti-CCP Chinese dissidents, activists, and other perceived enemies in six countries. These campaigns have been linked to multiple violent incidents.
- Foreign-born participants in Guo’s online and offline operations have been promised political asylum in the United States in exchange for participation.
- Graphika has noted multiple instances of what appear to be coordinated authentic behavior, with real supporters posting with the singular purpose of amplifying Guo-related content.
- The network acts as a prolific producer and amplifier of mis- and disinformation, including claims of voter fraud in the U.S., false information about Covid-19, and QAnon narratives.
- Accounts in the network have used centrally-coordinated tactics to evade enforcement actions by social media platforms.